A Day at MHC: Hannah Middleton

“I love the MHC community and how open and accepting everyone is.”

Class: junior
Hometown: Pawcatuck, Connecticut
Major: psychology (and possibly mathematics/statistics)


Photo of the inside of a students room


12:26 pm: Woke up from my nap after class

Left: A laptop on a desk with a zoom class on the screen; Right: An unwrapped sandwich lying on a notebook in front of an open laptop with a zoom meeting on the screen


12:46 pm: Class time

1:11 pm: Lunch during breakout rooms

Left: A chair behind the information desk that has a packback on it. Right: A student standing at the counter at Auxiliary Services

2:01 pm: Work at Blanchard info desk

3:50 pm: Grabbing a package at Auxiliary Services


Left: The top of the reception desk at Kendall fitness center; Right: students on indoor tennis courts

4:00 pm: Work at

5:00 pm: Tennis practice  

Left: A laptop streaming a show; a can of sode and pile of popcorn nearby; Right: An open notebook nearby that contains math problems

8:15 pm: Break and snack after shower and before homework

9:47 pm: Back to homework


     10:33 am: Waking up with no class Wednesday


Left: a laptop sits on a table in the first floor of Blanchard Hall; Right: a laptop open with grading software ont the screen

11:10 am: Work as first-floor Blanchard monitor

11:58 am: Doing some grading

Left: a meal in a reusable container; Middle: a laptop with a class meeting on the screen; Right: a student changing her shoes in the fitness center


12:40 pm: Got off work and now eating lunch

12:50 pm: Class time

4:15 pm: Practice time

Left: Looking in the mirror at a row of exercise equipment; Right: the front door of a residence hall at night

8:05 pm: Work at

9:50 pm: Finally back from work